A Responsive Event Website, Created and Hosted in Minutes

Written by Olivier Pichon | 18 August 2016
Templates in Outfit allow companies to create on-brand marketing material. It is, as Ash pointed out before, a real life implementation of their brand style guide.

But a templating system for marketers (or any kind of design authors) also has one significant benefit: speed to market. This is especially powerful when the desired output document is both sophisticated in contextual, time relevant information, but also is a sophisticated extension of a brand (something that can be skimped on when rushing to market).

Take a responsive website for an event that you plan to host, for example. This requires design and development skills and it is nearly impossible for a marketer, even with great in-house resources, to come up with something production-ready within a day.

Yet, I am going to show you how a marketer can create and host such a website within Outfit with as little as 10 min of work:

1. Click on this link and enter your email address.

2. We will send you an email with a unique link to edit your own Event Website. With that link you can keep on coming back and refining the content of that infosite.

3. The link will take you to the Outfit editing screen. Using the inputs in the left pane you can begin to populate the website, even changing key design components, like the Background Image Opacity for example:

4. For text inputs, you can directly edit inside the document preview (right pane) to change the content according to your needs.

5. When you are happy with the preview, click the Export Button on the top right hand corner. This will create your final HTML document. Simply grab the provided link to access your website. My beautiful website for the Docker Brisbane Meetup as an example is available here.

6.Should you want to grab a local copy of the website to host it elsewhere, click on the thumbnail and then the Download Button

7. Want to make some more modifications? Simply click on the link we originally sent you!

If you are a designer and you want to create responsive templates that anyone can use, check out how we create templates for Outfit or simply sign up now.