Customisable Background Images are here!

Written by James Lee | 18 October 2016

We’ve just released our new, powerful and exciting Background Resize/Positioning feature. This will now give authors the flexibility to reposition and resize full-width, full-height background image so they are never awkwardly cropped or out of place again.

How do I use it?

To access the new feature click on a background image input which has the feature enabled. If an image has not been added, add one via the Media Library, otherwise click on the Resize Background button (found in the left hand sidebar)

To reposition the image click and drag it around the canvas space and to resize use the slider to control the zoom level of the image. Click Apply to set the updated image position/size.

When should I implement it?

This feature is great for background images that are fully covering the whole document, or most of the document. The current iteration doesn’t support image containers smaller than the full document width/height (however it’s definitely in the works).

This feature is also very useful when an element in the background image is to be foregrounded or the focal point of the document.

How do I implement it?

There is a full implementation guide of this and of more input types available here. For this particular feature navigate to the Image tab and then scroll down to the Background Image Repositioning/Resizing section.

However if coding isn’t your thing we are happy to help if need be! Call, email or even smoke signal and we can chat about possible implementations.